Full blast 2 SB p18
очень надо, заранее ​

Full blast 2 SB p18 очень надо, заранее ​

tatsawi tatsawi    2   23.04.2021 00:49    0

choserge choserge  23.04.2021 01:00


How often do you hang out with your friends?

About three times a week. But we talk on the phone for hours every day.

School starts at 8:30 every day and finishes at 3 PM.

Does Diana wear belts?

No. She doesn't like accessories.


Hey, what are you doing?

I'm checking out some new online games.

Ryan and Nicole are not skateboarding at the moment. They are helping their mother with the housework. Nicole is ironing clothes and Ryan is cleaning the windows.

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