Переделайте предложения в косвенную речь they said, “we don’t know where the boys go”. “what are you doing here, boys? ” asked the teacher. “have you done a lot of sightseeing? ” asked my friend. “don’t take this book”, my mother told me. he said, “i will bring you my photos tomorrow”. helen asked pete, “where did you go last holidays? ” kate said, “i was sure he posted the letter”. “open your books,” said the teacher. “where do you live, tom? ” asked the teacher. “i often go to museums”, said mike.

Hiccjhcvkjxg Hiccjhcvkjxg    3   21.09.2019 02:30    1

savkinaveronika savkinaveronika  08.10.2020 06:04
1. They said that they didn't know where the boys went.
2. The teacher asked what the boys were doing there.
3. My friend asked if I had done a lot of sightseeing.
4. My mother told me not to take that book.
5. He said that he would bring me his photos the following day.
6. Helen asked Pete where had they gone the previous holidays.
7. Kate said she had been sure that he had posted the letter.
8. The teacher said to open the books.
9. The teacher asked where Tom lived.
10. Mike said that he often went to museums.
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