Find the mistakes: 1. i’m busyier than my little sister. …………………………… 2. london is more old than new york. …………………………… 3. this exercise is difficulter than that one. …………………………… 4. be activier at your lesson, please. …………………………… 5. the boy is more taller than his father. …………………………… 6. he makes more mistakes that you do. …………………………… 7. yesterday he started to feel more bad. ……………………………

dmitry113114 dmitry113114    2   29.06.2019 18:20    1

Dilyash2007 Dilyash2007  23.07.2020 16:20
1.busyier - busier
2. more old - older
3. difficulter - more difficult
4.  activier - more active
5.  more taller -  taller
6. that - than
7.  more bad. - worse . 
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