Fill in the gaps with the words: vegetables, reasonable, open, street, desserts.Заполни пропуски словами
Italian restaurant
24 Bridge (1) …
Delicious meals!
Great desserts!
mushroom soup
fresh (2) …. Salad
Main courses:
fantastic pizza
perfect home-made pasta
spaghetti bolognese
lasagna special
(3) …
chocolate cake with nuts
vanilla ice cream
(4) … 11a.m. – 11 p.m. every day
Polite waiters – live Italian music – (5) … prices
4. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple.Напиши глагол в правильном грамматическом времени.
1) … (be) you at the cinema last night?
2) Her parents … (work) at a bank.
3) I … (hear) a noise, I went to see what it was.
4) Look! The birds … (fly) away.
5) How often …(you/go) to the cinema?
6) Denis …(not/like) potatoes.
7) She … (clean) vegetables an hour ago.

cer7765 cer7765    2   08.05.2020 08:51    45

KateSved KateSved  08.05.2020 09:30
можно лутший ответ и лайк

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