Fill in the blanks with can or may in the correct form 1. david do the work. he is competent enough. 2. you take the last copy if nobody needs it. 3. i ask you to look after the child? 4. you tell us of the final diagnosis? 5. you never tell come to her mind. 6. a fool ask more questions than a wise man answer. 7. you trust me, and who knows, you need me one day. 8. helen grasp the idea, she have been thinking of something else. 9.1 never thought that they get lost in the area. 10. alexei .. sometimes forget things, but he always admit his fault, 11. smoke here? —no doubt you but you certainly not! 12. you lend me your bicycle for today? 13. you read this paper, it's not secret. 14. -, why she agree to join our party? — she be busy or unwell. 15. you please open the door? i ask you for such a small service? 16. you never go back to your past; you have got to move on.

kitecat12 kitecat12    2   23.07.2019 15:11    5

АнастасияСтр АнастасияСтр  03.10.2020 11:45
1 can
2 can
3 may
4 can
5 canmay
6 maycan
7 cancan
8 canmay
9 can
10 canmay
11 Cancanmay
12 Can
13 May
14 canmay
15 Canmay
16 can
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