Fill in the appropriate prepositions: about/of/to/with/out/for/on/at. Choose the
statements that are true for you.
1) My parents disapprove 1) going to parties and never let me stay 2) late with
my friends. They say I must concentrate 3) school and think more 4) my future. My
parents are rather conservative and old-fashioned.
2) I always quarrel 5) my parents because they don’t give me enough pocket money.
Also, when I have a row with my parents, I ignore their bans and sneak 6) .
3) I get 7) really well with my mom and dad. I never make decisions myself, parents are
always there to help me 8) . I lean 9) my parents’ support, and act so that they are
proud 10) me.
4) I normally agree 11) my parents and often ask 12) their advice. I know my
parents worry 13) me. Although they may seem overprotective, but I try to listen 14)
what they say to me and obey their rules.
5) My family are dissatisfied 15) my results. They blame me 16) making mistakes,
not thinking ahead, not acting more grown up, not working hard enough, not paying attention,
not keeping agreements, not behaving responsibly. And the list goes on...

pokintokin pokintokin    1   21.10.2020 19:21    0

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