Fill in a/an, the, no article 1) … John Smith speaks … Chinese very well. 2) He likes to play … baseball. 3) Kate is … most beautiful girl in this school.4)… Urals divide … Asia and … Europe. 5) My first house was on … Lemon Street. 6) She is … real lady. 7) Is … Amsterdam in … United States or in … Netherlands? 8) … shop down the street is closed. 9) … Jenna likes to play … tennis. 10) We lived on … Heather Street when we first came to this city. 11) My son is learning to play … piano in his school. 12) My wife’s family speaks … Spanish language. 13) My neighbor has … dog and … cat. 14) … present she gave me yesterday made me happy. Fill in a/an, the, no article 1)… Moscow is the capital of … Russian Federation. 2) … Volga is … longest river in … Europe. 3) … my mother is doctor. 4) My uncle lives in … Italy. 5) They live in … New Street.6) … Ira has… a dog. … dog is black and white. 7) His sister studies … English every day. 8) … Ivanovs live in a big house. 9) I can’t play … hockey.10) Are … Urals higher or lower than … Alps? 11) … Jane is … tallest girl in our class. 12) ... Canada is situated in ... North America. 13) …Tom’s parrot is yellow and green. 14) The boys played … guitars yesterday. 15) This is … apple. 16) Today is … 21st of October. 17) Do you like to travel by … plane or by … car to … South? 18) Who went to … Bolshoi Theatre last Sunday? 19) Where is … Red Square? 20) … museum her friend told about is not far from school.

catyaserduck catyaserduck    3   20.01.2022 04:09    6

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