F Вариант 2
1. Choose the correct word.
1) Security cameras have been installed/downloaded in the city
2) Click here to connect/focus to the Internet,
3) l've just spent two hours arranging the school certificate/
4) For many jobs you need to have a university report card/degree.
5) We have to take exams/test at the end of each year.
6) Ron is the best director/newsreader of daytime drama.
7) I've always thought you have the right voice to be a(an) editor/
Module 7. Education
8) The Sunday papers are full of advertisements/announcements for cars.
9) I've never seen Mike lose his mood/temper.
10) You may need to close/fix the file and restart the computer.
2. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.
1) Marie still blames herself ... Patrick's death.
2) Some statistics also come ... the surveys.
3) I'm trying to concentrate ... my work.
4) Don't worry, I won't give your secret ...
5) I gave ... going to the theatre when I moved out of London.
6) This isn't your money and you must give it
3. Choose the correct answer.
1) You ... bring animals into the shop.
a) don't have b) mustn't c) needn't
2) She ... go to school today. She is sick.
a) shouldn't b) might c) could
3) ... I use your phone, please?
a) Shall b) Would
c) Could
4) Dan didn't come yesterday. He ... have done something wrong.
a) must b) had
c) mustn't
5) What's your new phone number? I... remember it.
a) might b) can't c) mustn't
6. The vet says we ... give some medicine to our dog.
a) could b) ought to c) have to​

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