Exercise 1. use: some / any / something / anything / somewhere /anywhere, etc. 1. are there … photographs of your last summer vacations in this family album? 2. there are … pets in our house. 3. are there … trees near your house? 4. is there … water in the kettle? – yes, there is … . 5. are there … warm clothes in this wardrobe? – there are … . 6. is there … coffee in the box? 7. there are … students from poltava in our english group. 8. are there … balconies in your flat? 9. is there … pepper in the soup? 10. did you go … last summer? 11. do you have … to add? 12. usually i don’t like to go … on saturday. 13. i have … to tell you. 14. there’s … in the room. i can hear his breath. 15. there is not … money in my pocket. 16. have you got … friends in this class? – yes, i have … . 17. there are not … fresh newspapers on the table. 18. do you happen to know where mary is? i can’t find her … . 19. there’s … strange in him. 20. there isn’t … interesting in this project. 21. this girl is from … distant village. 22. do you know … words with the same meaning?

nastya09042 nastya09042    3   15.07.2019 02:30    0

tupitsa3 tupitsa3  20.09.2020 20:03
1. any 2. some 3. any 4. any, some 5. any, some 6. any 7. some 8. any 9. any 10. anywhere 11. anything 12. anywhere 13. something 14. someone/somebody 15. any 16. any, some 17. any 18. anywhere 19. something 20. anything 21. some 22. any
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