Complete the sentences and questions. use the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1i can't find my glasses, pat! (you / see) them anywhere this morning? 2(david / not forget) to close the window. it was me! 3what time (your dad / get up) this morning? 4i'm afraid (i / not do) my homework last night. 5(you / read) this book yet? is it interesting? 6you look a bit tired, paul! where (you / be) last night? 7‘tom, this is angela! ’ ‘yes, i know! (we / meet) already! ’ 8it's monday again! (you / have) a good weekend? 9sorry, but you're late! the number 19 bus (just / leave) 10ana (buy) a new camera yesterday. 11what time (you / finish) your exam tomorrow morning? 12‘it's dad's birthday on sunday! ’ ‘yes, i know. (we / take) him to a restaurant for lunch.’

Даня100000000 Даня100000000    2   06.09.2019 20:30    1

Bagila1234 Bagila1234  06.10.2020 21:46
1. Did you see
2. Didn't forget
3. Did your dad get up
4. I didn't do
5. Did you read
6. did you be
7. we met
8. Did you have
9. just leave
10. Bought
11. will you finish
12. We will take
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