Ex.4. вставьте should/shouldn’t, must/mustn’t или have to. betty … buy a new purse, because her old one was stolen. if you want to go to the concert, you … buy a ticket now! we … attend all the lessons in school. you read this book. it’s really nice. «she … eat sweets! » the doctor said. they have a bad reputation. you … work for this company. ex. 5. раскрыть скобки, используя past continuous. when i phoned my friends, they (play) monopoly. the kids (play) in the garden when it suddenly began to rain. i (practise) the guitar when he came home. ex. 6. раскройте скобки, используя future simple или be going to. next month my friend and i (travel) together around europe. the athletes soon (return) from the competition. her parents think alice (become) a teacher one day. they have bought new sports shoes. they (start) running next week. i (meet) the editor at 10 o’clock tomorrow. ex. 7. поставьте глаголы в скобках в форму present perfect continuous. why is he so tired? he (play) tennis for five hours. how long (learn / you) english? she (not / be) in the shop for more than an hour. i (live) without electricity for two weeks. ex. 8 выберите: some people / everyone like walking in the park on sunday afternoon. some people / everybody  saves some money every week. most people / everybody  makes their bed in the morning. no one / some people  in our class have got pets. everybody / most people  in our class likes listening to music.

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