Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1) we usually __ to my grandmother's house on saturdays, but todays we __ at home. (go, stay) 2) it usually rains on bonfire night, but this year it (not rain) 3) what __ ? cain i have some? (you, eat) 4) we always __ my dad's birthday in a restaurant. (celebrate) 5) i can hear music and people singing. what __ ? (they, celebrate) 6) my sister __ three languages - russian, english and french. (speak) 7) he __ to someone on the phone at the moment. (speak)

vikarubachok vikarubachok    1   30.09.2019 21:40    2

lolololololf lolololololf  27.08.2020 10:30

1) go; stay

2)doesn't rain

3) what do you eat?


5)what do they celebrate?


7)he is speaking

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