Ex. 4 p. 73 (напишите письмо другу о событии, которое Вы посетили, следуя плану)
Write an email to your English pen-friend about an event you
attended (60-80 words). Use your answers below and Amir's email
on the right as a model. Follow the plan.
Parow Web
Para 1: opening remarks, where you went last weekend
Para 2: describe the weather, food, music, activities
Para 3: how you liked it closing remarks
1 Where were you?
I was at a concert.
2 Who were you with?
7 was with my friends Clare and Sue,
3 What was the weather like?
It was perfect
4 Was there any food or music?
Yes, the music was excellent and we
had hot dogs. They were delicious.
5 Did you have a nice time?
Yes, we had a great time.
Hi Bill
I hope you're well. Guess where I was last
weekend! I was at a concert. I was with my
friends Irzhu and Aruzhan.
The weather was perfect and there were
many people there. Everyone had a fantastic
time. The music was excellent and we ate
some delicious baursaks (a sort of
Anyway, we had a great time and it's a pity
you weren't there. Write to me and let me
know how you are.

максим1691 максим1691    2   08.02.2021 15:29    3

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