Ex. 2 Pronouns (reflexive and emphatic) 1. People usually enjoy at family reunions.
a)themselves b)themselves c) theirselves
2. Silvia couldn’t get into the house; she had locked out.
a)herself b)by herself c) it
3. I was responsible for the accident and I blame for it.
a)myself b)meself c) by myself
4. History repeats .
a)herself b)himself c) itself
5. I taught to play the guitar.
a)myself b)meself c) by myself
6. They didn’t allow me to pay for them; they paid for .
a)themselves b)themselves c) theirselves
7. The children must tidy their room .
a)themselves b)themselves c) by themselves
8. In a cafeteria people help to the food they want.
a)themselves b)themselves c) theirselves
9. Mary learnt the rule all .
a)by herself b)herself c) herselves
10. Please help to some cakes, children!
a) youself b)yourselves c) yourself
11. I don’t want you to pay for my meal. I can
do it .
a)myself b)meself c) by myself
12. Sheila doesn’t often buy clothes; she usually makes them .
a)herself b)themselves c) by herself
13. Mr. Brown doesn’t have a secretary to type his letters; he does it .
a)heself b)himself c) hisself
14. They had no help decorating the flat; they did it all .
a)themselves b)by themselves c) theyselves
15. It wasn’t Kelly’s fault; she shouldn’t blame .
a)she b)herself c) herselves

alinab346 alinab346    2   17.02.2021 00:05    2

Ffgfgdcbgdf Ffgfgdcbgdf  19.03.2021 00:11

1 themselves (a/b)

2 a

3 a

4 c

5 a

6 themselves (a/b)

7 c

8 a

9 a

10 b

11 a

12 c

13 b

14 b

15 b

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