Your name
Use the words to give names to the following.
Mixture, mankind, all over the world, village, law, admire
All the humans on the planet
A group of houses that is smaller than a town
The rules which people follow in a certain place or in a country
To look at something with great pleasure
All of something
The result of putting things together
2. Write these sentences in the passive voice.
1. People grew this coffee in Brazil.
2. Someone made this piano in the 18th century.
3. Somebody sent a Christmas postcard to me.
4. Andrew took us to the living room.
5. They taught reading in the first year.
3. Use the words to complete the sentences. Enter, knowledge, opportunity, respect, contribution
Student show their … for the teacher by behaving themselves.
When did he … college?
We never miss the … to speak to them.
Pushkin’s … to the development of the Russian language is really great.
He has really improved his … of mathematics.
4. Complete the sentences with the words in brackets.
1. Milk (must, keep) in fridge. Don’t you know?
2. I tried but I (couldn’t, open) the window.
3. Someone (have to, take) the child home.
4. This new book (must, read)
5. They (shouldn’t, spend) so much time in front of the television

5. Translate into Russian.
Leather death
Metal duty
Plastic event
Brick responsible
Cement sense
Rubber sensible
Wool share
Cotton wisdom
Glass opportunity
Silk neighborhood
Cardboard freedom
China leadership
РЕБЯТА Контрольная работа по теме пасив воисес

witherMarlen witherMarlen    3   12.05.2020 02:26    93

sinitsadmitrij sinitsadmitrij  14.10.2020 13:39

1. All the humans on the planet - mankind

A group of houses that is smaller than a town - village

The rules which people follow in a certain place or in a country - law

To look at something with great pleasure - admire

All of something - all over the world

The result of putting things together - Mixture

2. Write these sentences in the passive voice.

1. People grew this coffee in Brazil.This coffee was grown in Brazil.

2. Someone made this piano in the 18th century.This piano was made in the 18th century.

3. Somebody sent a Christmas postcard to me.A Christmas postcard was sent to me.

4. Andrew took us to the living room.We were taken to the living room by Andrew.

5. They taught reading in the first year.Reading was taught in the first year by them.

3. Use the words to complete the sentences. Enter, knowledge, opportunity, respect, contribution

Student show their respect for the teacher by behaving themselves.

When did he enter college?

We never miss the opportunity to speak to them.

Pushkin’s contribution  to the development of the Russian language is really great.

He has really improved his knowledge of mathematics.

4. Complete the sentences with the words in brackets.

1. Milk (must, keep) in fridge. Don’t you know?

Milk must be kept in fridge. Don't you know?

2. I tried but I (couldn’t, open) the window.

I tried but I couldn’t open the window.

3. Someone (have to, take) the child home.

Someone has to be taken the child home.

4. This new book (must, read).

This new book must be read.

5. They (shouldn’t, spend) so much time in front of the television.

They shouldn’t spend so much time in front of the television.

5. Translate into Russian.

Leather - кожа  

death - смерть

Metal - металический  

duty - обязанность, дежурство

Plastic- пластиковый  

event - событие

Brick - кирпич

responsible - ответственный

Cement - цемент  

sense - смысл

Rubber - резиновый

sensible - разумный

Wool - шерсть

share - делиться

Cotton - натуральная шерсть

wisdom - мудрость

Glass - стекло

opportunity - возможность

Silk - шелк

neighborhood - район

Cardboard - картон

freedom - свобода

China - Китай

leadership - лидерство


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