Ex. 1. Choose the correct alternative.
1. They are going / go / went to school later tomorrow because they've got exams.
2. Saturday is going to be / is being / have been a great day!
3. Mum, I promise I am going to / will tidy / tidied my room tomorrow.
4. Alex likes / like / is liking going skateboarding at the weekend.
5. Who do you usually / usually you do / usually did meet in the evenings?
6. I'm thinking / think / thinks of taking up a hew hobby.
7. It rains / rained / is raining every day we were away!

Ex. 2. Choose the correct form of the verb.
1. Everybody ___by the terrible news yesterday. (shocked, was shocked, shocks)
2. English ___every day. (speaks, spoke, is spoken)
3. Houses usually built of bricks. (are, is being, are been)
4. Promises must . (be keep, be kept, keep)

xzc999 xzc999    1   20.05.2020 11:29    0

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