Тест по английскому языку для учеников 6 класса

4. Вставьте слова в предложения.
a) interview 1. At … Technology students learn how to use computers.
b) Palace 2. Do you wear a … at school?
c) bridge 3. You have an interesting social … .
d) Information 4. Linda Silvester is giving an … to a youth magazine.
e) programme 5. A … is the main city in a country.
f) uniform 6. Who lives in Buckingham … ?
g) capital

5. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
1. I usually … detective stories and books on history.
a)shall read b)read c)am reading
2. I … very hard at school last year.
a)worked b)shall work c)work
3. Our local football team … abroad last year.
a)will go b)went c)go
4. How many new subjects … you … at school next year? a)do… study b)will…study c)studied
5. They … a lot of questions last Monday.
a)ask b)will ask c)asked

6 . Выберите правильный предлог.
1. They invited us … London (at/to/in).
2. Who takes care … your pet (about/for/of)?
3. Will you go abroad …October (at/in/on)?
4. My best pen-friend is … Britain (from/out of/in).
5. We arrived at the station … time (in/from/at).

7. Составьте разделительный во Поставьте слова в правильном порядке.
1. Disney Land, she, never, to, been, has.
2. my pet, have, I, already, fed.
3. cleaned, my classmates, have, just, cage, the parrot’s.
4. a film star, you, ever, met, have?
5. washed, Paul, yet, not, his car, has.

mironhik1 mironhik1    2   19.05.2020 13:17    84

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