ДО 10апреля 10:50
A test
Choose must/must not, can/can not, be able to/
Hello, this is my friend Bob. He is a cool footballer. He 1 pay football very well. But yesterday Bob fell down and hurt his leg. So today he2 (not) play. He trains very hard/ Every day my friend 3 run, jump, skip, bump a ball. Three times a week he 4 go to the swimming pool and swim 40 minutes. But Bob 5 (not) swim in cold water!
At home he has a lot of duties (обязанности) : he 6 clean his room, walk the dog out, make tea for mum and go shopping. Pity, the boy 7 (not) cook but he 8 make sandwiches. Bob is very smart: he 9 do his homework very quickly. He says:”Mum 10 (not) help me!”

МагистрСемен МагистрСемен    1   10.04.2020 10:48    0

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