Complete the sentences with the words below. Use one word to complete two sentences. altitude dehydrated envious jaw level temperature

1 The water Answer
in the river is rising. I think it’s going to flood.

2 You’ll become Answer
if you don’t drink some water soon.

3 Mandy used to be Answer
of her sister Rachel because Rachel was more successful than her.

4 The top of the table isn’t Answer
because one of the table legs is longer than the others.

5 This plane is flying at an Answer
of about 9,000 metres.

6 It’s very hot today. The Answer
is over 40°C.

7 Jack fell, landed heavily on his chin, and broke his Answer

пророк2345 пророк2345    2   10.11.2020 14:00    2

abidat1122 abidat1122  10.12.2020 14:05

1. The water LEVEL is rising...

2. You'll become DEHYDRATED, if you don't...

3. Mandy used to be ENVIOUS of her sister...

4. The top of the table isn't LEVEL, because...

5. This plane is flying at an ALTITUDE of about...

6. It's very hot today. The TEMPERATURE is about...

7. ...broke his JAW

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