Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Max met his future wife when he (travel) around South America.

2 Paula (win) all her races recently, so she’s hoping for a medal in the Olympics next month.

3 Sarah (grow up) in Canada because her parents emigrated when she was a baby.

4 We (not have) any problems with neighbours if we lived in a detached house.

5 I found it hard to concentrate because I (not slept) well the night before.

6 My feet are sore because I (walk) all day.

7 I’m hoping my headache (go) by the time we have to go out.

8 If only my parents (go out) tonight. Then my friends could come round.

9 This time next week, my dad (have) his operation.

10 Be careful not to touch that pan. You (definitely / burn) your hand if you do​

anna1870 anna1870    3   18.01.2021 23:55    92

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