Complete the sentences using the following words, word com binations and expressions: is used, in spite of, courses, a great advantage, laboratories, fluently, teaching aids, popularity, are borrowed, listening, popular. 1. a lot of new words … from english. 2. if you can speak english well, you gain … over others. 3. do you go to any english … ? 4. the 12 english language is very … . 5. our department of foreign languages has various … : language … and … centres. 6. english … everywhere; its … is obvious (очевидный). 7. can you speak english … ? 8. … many textbooks in english, it is not easy to find a good one.

Zen201 Zen201    2   06.09.2019 08:00    15

ctc76 ctc76  06.10.2020 20:53
1. A lot of new words  are borrowed from English.
2. If you can speak English well, you gain  a great advantage over others.
3. Do you go to any English courses?
4. The English language is very popular.
5. Our department of foreign languages has various teaching aids: language laboratories and  listening centres.
6. English is used everywhere; its popularity is obvious.
7. Can you speak English fluently?
8. In spite of many textbooks in English, it is not easy to find a good one.
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