A)Comedy/comedies E)Romance/ romances 1.

object of

Types of Films

B)Animation F) Science-fiction

C) Superhero G)Horror


films feature lots of monsters such as Frankenstein, or Dracula. The films is to make you scream and be afraid, very afraid!

2. There are many different types of

laugh fun - a lot!

films. In general,

make you

3. films are love stories made to melt our hearts with stories of people finding each other and falling in love. Many _are romantic comedies.


_films are sometimes cartoons such as Disney films. However, with computer animation, many cartoons are now computer graphics to make elaborate stories of adventure, comedies, and more.

films. These films use

5. _films are also a type of adventure film. These films feature superheroes from comic books such as Superman, Batman, and Spiderman.


_films are set in the future and might be about other planets, or just about the future of our planet Earth. These films often feature many elements of adventure films such as chases and battles.

7. are spy or espionage stories that are similar to adventure films, but often feature international spy rings, or countries trying to find out secrets about each other.​

A)Comedy/comedies E)Romance/ romances 1.object ofTypes of FilmsB)Animation F) Science-fictionC) Supe

Wlig123 Wlig123    3   05.03.2021 09:18    1

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