Complete the sentences.
(The british and us monetary systems)
1.The UK didn't have ... system before 1970.
2. Now there is the decimal ... in Great Britain.
3. There was ... pennies in one shilling.
4. There were ... or ... in a penny.
5 There were ... in a pound.
6. The monetary unit ... was worth twenty one shillings.
7. The ... was worth a two shilling piece.
8. The sixpence, the shillings, the florin were made of ... .
9. The farthing, the halfpenny and the penny were made of ... .
10. Now one hundred pence ... a pound.
11. The Bank of England ... one-, five-, ten-, and twenty-pound notes.
12. The guinea ... now by the doctors, tailors as the name of their fees.
13. The principal unit of currency ... is the dollar.
14. ... make a dollar.
15. The dime is worth ... .
16. The American halfdollar is worth ... .
17. Dimes, quarters and halfdollars are ... of silver.
18. The dollar may be a paper ... or silver ... .
19. The name dollar is not American, it comes from ... .
20 The Americans use for the banknote the word "..." .
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AvroraMessi AvroraMessi    3   15.05.2020 08:30    60

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