Complete the sentences. 1) Theatre is a modern .
2) Opera and ballet are very popular in our town.
3) We leave our and in the cloakroom.
4) The begins after the third .
5) If the spectators enjoy the , they applaud the and on the stage.
6) During the the spectators go to the café .
7) After the end of the the spectators rise from their and go to the to
get their and .
8) A theatre consists of two parts: and .
9) The best seats are . (in the boxes)
10) When the rise, we see a nice and the spectators begin to applaud.
с английским )

Complete the sentences. 1) Theatre is a modern . 2) Opera and ballet are very popular in our tow

ulashn ulashn    2   01.10.2021 00:56    20

Quantum2004 Quantum2004  13.01.2024 13:39
1) Theatre is a modern form of entertainment where live performances, such as plays, musicals, and dance shows, are presented to an audience in a designated venue. It is a cultural activity that allows people to experience and appreciate the performing arts.

2) Opera and ballet are two types of performances often featured in theaters. Opera is a form of musical theater where singers and musicians tell a story through music, singing, and acting. Ballet, on the other hand, is a type of dance performance that often incorporates storytelling, graceful movements, and intricate choreography.

3) When we go to the theater, we usually leave our belongings, such as coats and bags, in the cloakroom. This allows us to have a more comfortable and enjoyable experience during the performance, without having to worry about carrying our items around.

4) The performance usually begins after the third bell. In many theaters, a series of bells or chimes are rung to signal different events, such as the start of the performance or intermission.

5) If the spectators enjoy the performance, they usually applaud the actors and performers on the stage. Applauding is a way for the audience to show their appreciation and approval for a job well done.

6) During intermission, which is a break between acts or scenes, the spectators can go to the café. This gives them an opportunity to relax, socialize, and maybe grab a snack or a drink before the next part of the performance.

7) After the end of the performance, the spectators rise from their seats and go to the exit to retrieve their belongings. They can go to the cloakroom to get their coats and bags, making sure not to forget anything behind.

8) A theater consists of two main parts: the auditorium and the stage. The auditorium is where the audience sits to watch the performance, while the stage is where the actors and performers showcase their talents and bring the story to life.

9) The best seats in a theater are usually located in the boxes. Boxes are small enclosed areas or balconies that offer a more private and exclusive viewing experience. They often provide a good view of the stage and can be reserved for special occasions or VIP guests.

10) When the curtains rise, we see a nice set design and the spectators begin to applaud. The curtains are large pieces of fabric that are raised to reveal the stage and the performers. It marks the beginning of the performance and creates an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement among the audience.
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