Употребите глагол have got /has got в нужной форме (утверждение, отрицание, вопрос). 1.Sarah ...a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle. 2.They like animals. They ...two dogs and three cats. 3.Charles isn't happy. He ...a lot of problems. 4your father ...a car? 5you ...an umbrella?

manyna4 manyna4    1   18.06.2020 12:36    20

dddddkkke dddddkkke  15.10.2020 14:23

1.Sarah hasn't got a car.She goes everywhere by bicycle.

2.They like animals. They have got two dogs and three cats.

3.Charles isn't happy. He has got a lot of problems.

4.Has your father got a car?

5.Have you got an umbrella?

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