Complete the following sentences with appropriate verbs which are frequently collocated with the given nouns. State the type of these word-groups. 1. Although our company wants to expand rapidly, we must in mind that we have limited cash to do so. 2. It is important to ... into account all options before... a decision. 3. The Financial Director has the conclusion that we must reduce costs by 10%. 4. Finally, the Chairman his opinion about the matter. After we had listened to him, we were able to to an agreement. 5.Patricia .. an interesting suggestion at the meeting. 6.If we don't come up with new products, we the risk of falling behind our competitors. 7. Our chairman is too old for the job. Some of the directors have pressure on him to resign. 8. The writer has some recommendations in his report. 9. What conclusion have you , . from the facts given in his letter ? 10. I have a great deal of thought to our financial problems. 11. After five hours' negotiation, we finally... agreement. 12. I don't want to , action until I've heComplete the following sentences with appropriate verbs which are frequently collocated with the given nouns. State the type of these word-groups. 1. Although our company wants to expand rapidly, we must in mind that we have limited cash to do so. 2. It is important to ... into account all options before... a decision. 3. The Financial Director has the conclusion that we must reduce costs by 10%. 4. Finally, the Chairman his opinion about the matter. After we had listened to him, we were able to to an agreement. 5.Patricia .. an interesting suggestion at the meeting. 6.If we don't come up with new products, we the risk of falling behind our competitors. 7. Our chairman is too old for the job. Some of the directors have pressure on him to resign. 8. The writer has some recommendations in his report. 9. What conclusion have you , . from the facts given in his letter ? 10. I have a great deal of thought to our financial problems. 11. After five hours' negotiation, we finally... agreement. 12. I don't want to , action until I've heard everyone's opinion.ard everyone's opinion.

MaXD1337 MaXD1337    3   21.04.2020 17:34    244

вопросник45 вопросник45  21.12.2023 20:47
1. Although our company wants to expand rapidly, we must bear in mind that we have limited cash to do so. (verb phrase: bear in mind, meaning to remember or consider)
2. It is important to take into account all options before making a decision. (verb phrase: take into account, meaning to consider)
3. The Financial Director has reached the conclusion that we must reduce costs by 10%. (verb: reach, meaning to come to a decision or understanding)
4. Finally, the Chairman expressed his opinion about the matter. After we had listened to him, we were able to come to an agreement. (verb: express, meaning to communicate or convey)
5. Patricia made an interesting suggestion at the meeting. (verb: make, meaning to propose or offer)
6. If we don't come up with new products, we run the risk of falling behind our competitors. (verb phrase: come up with, meaning to create or develop)
7. Our chairman is too old for the job. Some of the directors have put pressure on him to resign. (verb phrase: put pressure on, meaning to exert influence or make demands)
8. The writer has some recommendations in his report. (verb: have, meaning to possess or include)
9. What conclusion have you drawn from the facts given in his letter? (verb: draw, meaning to infer or deduce)
10. I have given a great deal of thought to our financial problems. (verb phrase: give thought to, meaning to consider or ponder)
11. After five hours of negotiation, we finally reached an agreement. (verb: reach, meaning to come to a decision or understanding)
12. I don't want to take action until I've heard everyone's opinion. (verb phrase: take action, meaning to act or proceed)
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