Comparative with as, Filling the gaps
Complete the sentences.

1)Sam is not (greedy) as everybody says.
2) It is (easy) as pie!
3) I am not (worried) as you are. The results of my exam are really good, I know it!
4) He is not (kind) as he is said to be.
5) Remember to wear a warm wool coat if you don't want to be (frozen) as a deep-freezer.
6) London is not (foggy) as it is purported to be.
7) This sportsman is (fast) as a cheetah.
8) I am (careful) as my elder sister. She also takes care of things
9) Would you care for a drink? It is (cheap) as a magazine.
10) She’s (well-known) as her brother.

НикаКотикТян НикаКотикТян    3   24.03.2020 20:50    5

гоша206 гоша206  12.10.2020 03:47

1) Sam is not as greedy as everybody says.

2) It is as easy as pie!

3) I am not as worried as you are. The results of my exam are really good, I know it!

4) He is not as kind as he is said to be.

5) Remember to wear a warm wool coat if you don't want to be as frozen as a deep-freezer.

6) London is not as foggy as it is purported to be.

7) This sportsman is as fast as a cheetah.

8) I am as careful as my elder sister. She also takes care of things

9) Would you care for a drink? It is as cheap as a magazine.

10) She’s as well-known as her brother.

ryzhovaelena1 ryzhovaelena1  12.10.2020 03:47

1) as greedy

2) as easy

3) as worried

4) as kind

5) as frozen

6) as foggy

7) as fast

8) as careful

9) as cheap

10) as well-known


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