Choose the right variant: listen! my friend … the song. (sing, sings, is singing) i … some problems at school. (have, has, am having) they … to visit galleries and museums. (likes, are liking, like) where is mum? she … . (cooks, cooking, is cooking) i can … a lot of girls in the street. (am seeing, sees, see) his brother … the piano very well. (play, plays, is playing) look! they … to the library now. (go, are going, is going)

ольга1721 ольга1721    1   15.03.2019 13:20    4

Obamakrutoi Obamakrutoi  25.05.2020 12:54

1. is singing

2. have

3. like cooking

5. see

6. plays

7. are going

egoyan222 egoyan222  25.05.2020 12:54

1) Is singing

2) Have

3) Like

4) Is cooking

5) See

6) Plays

7) Are going

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