Choose the correct variant. (Translate the sentences).

The film is great. I think you will have loved/ will be loving/ will love it.

8. By 9 o’clock I will have studied/ will study/ will have been studying/ will be studying for 5 hours.

9. Peter is less/ little/ the least helpful person of all.

10. The more you exercise, the fittest/ fit/ fitter you’ll become.

11. Emma is not as funny as/ funnier than/ funny her sister.

12. This T-shirt is very/ lot/ much cheaper than the blue one.

13. Our house had been burgled/ is burgled/ was burgled last night.

14. Cameras are not allowed/ were not allowed/ is allowed in the museum.

15. The project must be finished/ may be finished/ could be finished by tomorrow.

ksiuu ksiuu    1   28.05.2020 16:00    1

vikafirsova vikafirsova  15.10.2020 10:37

The film is great. I think you will love it.

8. By 9 o'clock I will have been studying for 5 hours.

9. Peter is the least helpful person of all.

10. The more you exercise, the fitter you'll become.

11. Emma is not as funny as her sister.

12. This T-shirt is much cheaper than the blue one.

13. Cameras are not allowed in the museum.

14. The project must be finished by tomorrow.


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