Change the sentences into the Direct Address Жай сөйлемді қаратпа сөйлемге аударыңыз/
1. stand still at your desks!
2 stand up straight!
3. take your seats!
4. why were you absent yesterday?
5. you're late again.
6.stop talking!
7. come to the board and divide it into two parts.
8.please fetch some chalk!
9. stop making noise!
10., stand aside, so
11 Good afternoon, , how are you?
12. Mind you don't miss the train,
13. Certainly
14. What's the salt for, ?
15. Well, what's the news?

ПростоАндрей12 ПростоАндрей12    2   09.04.2020 20:38    1

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