Образуйте притяжательный падеж существительных где возможно 1.) thee nephews/ my uncle 2.) the camera/ the photos 3.) the wedding/ the briter 4.) the duty/ the waiter 5.) the book/ the pages 6.) the hotel/ the large rooms 7.) glasses/ my granny 8.) mistakes/ the students 9.) the dolls/ dresses 10.) the ckerk/ office 11.) the son/ mr. smith 12.) holidays/ thee month 13.) her test/ many mistakes 14.) the school test/ the results 15.) letter/ last month 16.) a hat/ a woman

dima012002 dima012002    2   26.09.2019 14:30    0

Dinobot774 Dinobot774  16.08.2020 22:44
1. my uncle's nephews
2. the photos of the camera 3. the bride's wedding4. the waiter's duty
5. the pages of the book
6. the large rooms of the hotel
7. my granny's glasses8. the students' mistakes 9. the dresses of the dolls 10. the clerk's office 11. Mr. Smith's son12. a month's holidays 13. many mistakes in her test 14. the results of the school test
15. last month's letter 16. a woman's hat
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