BLA Ex. 14. Have you ever seen an elephant in the Zoo? Try to describe
it, using the following information.
An elephant weighs about 182 kilograms at birth. It is the largest
animal that walks on four legs.
Wild elephants, the largest and most powerful land animals in the
world, live only in the tropical junglesó.
Their skin is very thick. They have a long (183 centimetres long)
trunk. The elephant sucks6 water into its trunk, then squirts it into its
mouth. The averages elephant can drink as much as 68 litres of water
at one time. The elephant doesn't eat meat, because he is a vegetarianº
One elephant's skull is 37.5 centimetres thick, his tusk weighs from
36 to 107 kilograms. This tusk is 20 centimetres thick and 3.4 metres

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