B) complete the questions with suitable auxiliary verbs and answer them: 1. … mr. bennet study medicine next year? - ……………………………………….. 2. … catherine want to become a surgeon like her father? - ………………………… 3. … oliver go to school last year? - ………………………………………………… 4. where … oliver’s sister study? - ………………………………………………….. 5. what … catherine do after she graduates from the university? - …………………. 6. what … catherine’s father study at university? - …………………………………..

полина2054 полина2054    3   04.10.2019 10:20    1

cergei201088 cergei201088  09.10.2020 19:23
1. Will
I haven't asked him yet.
2. Does
I think she is going to follow her father's "path".
3. Did
Yes, he did.
4. Does
She studies in Oxford.
5. Will
She will have practical lessons.
6. Did
He studied biology and chemistry.
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