Aral Sea 1989-2014y Imagine that you are a journalist. You are going to the city where the natural disaster happened a day ago. You interviewed the city residents and watched the places that were damaged. After that you should write a report describing what happened and how the disaster affected the life in the city. Include the following information: Представьте, что вы журналист. Вы едете в город, где произошла стихийная катастрофа день назад. Вы опрашивали жителей города и наблюдали за местами, которые были повреждены. После этого следует написать репортаж с описанием произошедшего и того, как катастрофа повлияла на жизнь в городе. Включить следующую информацию:
Name of the city (Where did it happen? What was the name of the city? country?)
Type of the natural disaster that happened (What type of disaster was it?)
The number of victims (Were people warned about the disaster? How many people were killed? How many people were injured? What was the total number of victims?)
How people feel after the disaster (How did people feel after the disaster? What did people do?)
Describe in what ways the city was damaged (Was the city seriously damaged? How many houses were destroyed?)
What people plan to do to minimize the effect of the possible disaster in the future (What do people want to do now?)

Assessment criteria:
1) Write between 70-100 words.
2) Vocabulary range (words and phrases related to natural disasters).
3) Follow the structure of a newspaper article.

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