Употребите глаголы данные в скобках в соответствующем времени лице и числе 1. we (to watch) the parade yesterday morning. 2. when will you (graduate) from university? - i (not graduate) it yet. 3. she (work) in this office 5 years. she'll be a good economist. 4. we listened to it for two hours yesterday when they came. 5. yesterday we (translate) an article from an english newspaper 6. my friend always (told) me the truth, but now i see that she (told) lies. 7. do you know that ann (will come) next week? 8. my friend plays the piano well. she (plays) the piano for five years. 9. what will you do tomorrow at 3: 00? 10. they (translate) the text before the call. 11. when will you (finish) the article? - i think that i (will finish) it tomorrow by 6 o'clock. 12. he always (spent) the weekend with his family. 13. where's jim? - i (wait) for him for half an hour. 14. they (swim) in the river for an hour yesterday when it (rain). 15. i (don't know) french, but i (learn) it now.

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