Active or passive ? put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1)this house ( built / was built ) in 1930 2)my car ( has disappeared / has been disappeared ) 3)have you heard the news ? the president (has shot / had been shot ) 4)when i came to the party, john ( had already been gone / had already gone ) home.

Zena1112 Zena1112    1   21.05.2019 05:30    1

sharapoid sharapoid  15.06.2020 04:06

1)This house was built  in 1930 - дом был построен
2)My car has disappeared - автомобиль исчез
3)Have you heard the news ? The president had been shot - президента убили
4)When I came to the party, John had already gone  home. - уже ушел домой

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