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поведение дома и на улице с needn't,must,musn't

77Джи77 77Джи77    1   29.09.2019 21:42    1

EM20011 EM20011  27.08.2020 09:55
1)You must be careful near the road
2)You must go to sleep at 9 o’clock to be fresh in the morning
3)You mustn’t talk with a people you don’t know
4)You don’t need to go home if it is only six o’clock
5)You must wash your hands before eating
6)You must brush your teeth every morning
7)You don’t need to mop the floor if it is clean.
8)You must lock the door after you coming home
9)You mustn’t cross the road when the light is red.
10)You don’t need to play outside if it is raining.
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