a portable micro-apartment. These apartments (3) (call)
'Loftcubes', and they can (4)(lift) onto any empty, flat
roof by helicopter!
Each Loftcube (5) (design) with a kitchen and
bathroom, as well as a large living area. They are extremely modern –they (6) (build) using all the latest ideas, fabrics, and
technology in interior design.
The Loftcube (7) ___first___
(show) at an
exhibition in Berlin last year, but Berlin (8) (be) the right
place for them, because it (9) (have) a housing shortage.
These apartments (10) (need) in busy, overcrowded cities,
such as London and New York.​

maks123321456 maks123321456    2   21.10.2020 05:58    10

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