Test work (Spring term)

1. Hi Laura. Are you feeling all right? You a ghost!

2. What to do after school?

3. Choose the right variant:

The Clock Tower is famous for its big hour bell, known as … .

4. Choose the right variant:

Astana … the north – western part of the Sary Arka.

5. Choose the right variant:

Lake Loch Ness is situated in … .

6. Choose the right variant:

The National flag of the USA is called:

7. Complete the sentence using suitable adjective form:

8. Complete the sentence using suitable adjective form:

He was a bit depressed yesterday but he looks … today.

9. Choose the right variant:

Which of the following cannot be found in London?

10. Choose the right variant

Look …me!

11. Choose the right variant

She was looking … her notes.

12. Choose the right variant

To break

13. Complete the sentence

I … New York 4 times this year.

15. Complete the sentence

The students ... not miss classes:

16. Choose the right variant

What floor your bedroom on?

17. Complete the sentence:

Like any top sportsman she …. to train very hard.

18. Choose the right variant.

Canada has two official languages:

19. Complete the sentence

“Ulster” is another name for … .

20. Choose the right variant:

Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. The head of the state is ...

21. Complete the sentence:

I … strawberries more than any other fruit.

22. Choose the right variant

People in Kazakhstan celebrate …on December 16.

23. Complete the sentence

… you play the guitar?. Yes, I can.

24. Complete the sentence

My sister knows English ... than my brother:

25. Choose the right variant

A friend in need … .

26. Choose the right variant: Switzerland is … than Britain.

27. Find the right variant: In the city …. is polluted.

28. Complete the sentence: People … to drive more carefully.

29. Choose the right degree of comparison: This is … winter for 20 years.

30. Choose the right variant: London stands on the river

31. Choose the right variant:

A new film...in this cinema tomorrow.

32. Express in one word:

Betty`s father and mother are in Canada.

33. Choose the right word:

What is “Big Ben:?

34. Complete the sentence

… you cook? No, I can`t.

35. My parents’ parents are my ….

36. Who is ….in your group?

37. Choose the right variant

The capital of the USA is … .

38. Choose the right variant

The capital of England is … .

39. Choose the correct word: In the West and North, Kazakhstan … on the Russian Federation.

40. Complete the sentence

The exercises …by him tomorrow.

41. Choose the right variant: The Volga is … than the Don.

42. Choose the right variant: The greatest river of Great Britain are ….

43. Fill in a suitable word:

Christmas is the main holiday in Britain.

44. Complete the sentence

How long … in Australia?

45. Fill in the gap with the correct answer.

She spoke in a very low voice, but I …. understand what she said.

46. Choose the correct answer: You do not need to vacuum the carpet. I have... done it.

47. Choose the right variant

To eat

48. Complete the sentence

Your mark is two. You …harder.

49. Choose the word that does not belong to food:

50. Complete the sentence

February is …month of the year.

51. Choose the right variant

We …. do our lessons every day.

52. Complete the sentence

The British money is …

53. Choose the right variant

What is the White House?

54. Choose the right variant

It is … today than it was yesterday.

55. Choose the right variant.

What subjects ___ you good at?

56. Choose the right variant

The room … tomorrow.

57. Choose the right variant.

I am sure that Jess ___ you if you ask her.

58. Choose the right variant.

He has been working with us … 2004.

59. Choose the right variant.

I am afraid you speak to Mrs. Sims at the moment. She is busy

60. Choose the right variant.

You eat so much sugar. It is not good for you.

61. Choose the right variant.

I cannot a new car. I am broken.

62. Choose the right variant.

Jack’s so . He can talk to anyone about anything.

63. Choose the right variant.

The film was awful and we were very .

64. He usually … the lawn.

65. Choose the right variant.

is money a person gets for the work.

66. Choose the right variant:

He … the farm since 1987.

67. Choose the right variant:

… you ever been to Scotland?

68. Choose the right variant:

He … a financier soon.

69. Choose the right variant:

I do not understand this word. What ?

70. Choose the right variant:

We walk home last night. There were no buses

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