7предложений про любую личность на языке, ,! !

Неня2003 Неня2003    2   16.06.2019 01:20    1

28номер 28номер  12.07.2020 22:56
Shakespeare was born on the 23-the of April 1564 in Strafford - upon-avon . His father was a respectable shopkeeper . His mother Mary Arden was a farmer's doughter . We know that then William was 18 he married Ann Hathaway , 8 years older then him self . His first doughter Susana was born in 1583. His famous theatre "the globe" was build in 1593 . The day of his death was the 23 of April 1616 , fifty-two years exactly after the day of his birth . Надеюсь Шекспир подойдёт , а если там ошибки то извиняюсь
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