Раскройте скобки и замените инфинитив глагола необходимой формой времени группы Indefinite, Continuous или Perfect. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. He (to have) his dinner now, he (to have) a good appetite. 2. She (to read) a book when both friends (to come). 3. Last month Mr. Brown (to be) to Moscow and to some country places. 4. What you (to do) tomorrow at this time? 5. At the end of the next term many students of the fourth course (to complete) their diploma work. 6. He already (to finish) his work in time.

IX. Выполнить письменно самостоятельно следующее лексико-грам-матическое задание,

1. They had an argument last week. They are still not speaking to …

1) each other 2) their own 3) them 4) themselves

2. Don’t come at 10.30 tomorrow. I … the football match on television.

1)watch 2) will be watching 3) will watch 4) will have watched

3. Who … in this house many years ago?

1) did live 2) lived 3) lives 4) not lived

4. When she (come) home from school her sister (sleep).

1) came, slept 2) will come, will sleep 3) came, was sleeping 4) come, sleeps

5. I wonder (интересно) where she (buy) those things.

1) did buy 2) bought 3) does she buy 4) did bought

6. My bag … in the shop three days ago.

1) was stolen 2) had been stolen 3) stole 4) has been stolen

7. We are late. I expect the film … by the time we get to the cinema.

1) has already started 2) will already be starting 3) will already have started

4) already starts

8. Charlie said that he … Jack at the party a few months before.

1) saw 2) was seen 3) would see 4) had seen

9. Jim didn’t know about the change of plans. He …

1) didn’t tell 2) wasn’t told 3) hadn’t been told 4) hasn’t told

10. Last year I visited Spain. I … at a very nice hotel for two weeks.

1) had stayed 2) stayed 3) have stayed 4) had been staying

11. If he … soon, I’ll wait for him a little.

1) will come 2) came 3) comes 4) come

12. I am so worried. It is already late, and the children … yet.

1) don’t come 2) haven’t come 3) hadn’t come 4) haven’t been coming

13. Where …? To the University. Sorry, I can’t talk to you now.

1) are you hurrying 2) do you hurry 3) are you hurry 4) do you hurrying

14. I don’t want to ask him this question. I’m not sure if he… me a true answer.

1) gives 2) would give 3) gave 4) will give

15. Many local authorities realize that there is a need to make … for disabled people

in their housing programs.

1) assistance 2) conditions 3) admittance 4) provision

slaadkoo slaadkoo    2   07.04.2021 16:43    2

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