7. I over so e-mails yesterday? a) get
b) got
c) took
d) will take
8. What time last night?
a) did you arrive
b) are you arriving
c) you arrived
d) have arrived

9. I accidentally broke the by stepping on it. I apologized to then for carelessness.
a) child’s toy
b) children’ s toy
c) child’ s toy
d) children’s toy

12. After classes he home
a) return
b) to return
c) returns
d) is returning

13. I have got English books
a) many
b) much
c) more
d) most

3. We stay the office till 6 o’clock
a) on
b) in
c) at
d) near

4. I think they’ll the football match
a) pass
b) win
c) learn
d) take

kolyapauk2016p08ax4 kolyapauk2016p08ax4    1   06.05.2021 10:47    2

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