2. Заполните пропуски, употребив повелительное наклонение. 1. ……… her! She will be a faithful wife. (женись)
2. Don’t ………… him! He will cheat you tomorrow. (не верь)
3. ………… us! We will have a party tonight. (присоединяйся)
4. ………… her! She cooked it for you. (поблагодари)
5. Don’t ……….. him ! He won’t help you. (не проси)
6. ………… me! I’ll show you the way to your hotel. (следуй)
7. Don’t ……….. them! They are too busy. (не беспокой)
8. Don’t ……….. him! We don’t like him. (не зови)

umida1983 umida1983    3   31.05.2023 18:16    1

easyotvet01 easyotvet01  31.05.2023 18:17
Marry her! She will be a faithful wife.Don't trust him! He will cheat you tomorrow.Join us! We will have a party tonight.Thank her! She cooked it for you.Don't ask him! He won't help you.Follow me! I'll show you the way to your hotel.Don't bother them! They are too busy.Don't call him! We don't like him.
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