50 ! написать письмо ,в котором надо ответить на 3 вопроса 1)what today’s teenagers usually spend their pocket money on; 2) - whether you have ever thought about taking a job; why it can be a problem for a student; 3)- what you would do for your town/ if you had lots of money. и задать 3 своих

monsterhi003 monsterhi003    3   26.07.2019 17:20    2

tainyanonimusp08coh tainyanonimusp08coh  03.10.2020 13:38
Dear friend,
Thank you for the letter. It was lovely to hear from you again. I'm sorry I didn't write earlier but I was very busy studying.

Firstly, let me tell you what today’s teenagers usually spend their pocket money on. They enjoy going to the malls and buying clothes, food, accesories, videogames, etc. It might be difficult for a student to find a job because his or her studying takes a lot of time, that's why I work at holidays to earn extra money. If I had lots of money, I would spend it on charity and helping my family.

Now it's my turn to ask you some questions. What do you usually do at free time? Do you like skateboarding? What is your favourite book?

I've got to go now as I have to help my mother. Keep in touch!
Take care,
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