Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A-F Частями предложения обозначенными цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей списке лишняя.

Most studies show GM foods are safe for human consumption, though it is widely acknowledged that the long-term health are unknown, The U.S. Food and Administration has generally recognized GM crops as sale and the World Health Organization (WHO) has sad (A).
Opponents on both sides of the Atlantic say (B). They worry that people (C) may be more prone allergies or diseases resistant to antibiotics. But they have been hard to show scientific studies (D)
GM foods have been a mainstay in the U.S, for more than a decade. Most of the crops are used for animal feed (E) cooldes, cereal, potato chips and salad dressing.
Europe largely bans genetically engineered foods and has (F). They do allow the import of a number of GM crops such as soy, mostly for animal food and individual European countries have opted to plant GM crops Genetically engineered corn is grown in Spain, though it amounts to only a fraction of European farmland. The WHO and the U.N. food agency, the Food and Agriculture Organization, say the safety of GM foods must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

1. there has been inadequate testing and regulation 2. in common processed foods 3. pre-market safety testing 4. who eat GM foods 5. strict requirements on labeling them 6. no ill health effects have resulted in the international market 7. to back up those fears

keklolcheburek1243 keklolcheburek1243    2   28.06.2021 18:49    4

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