5. заполните пропуски глаголами, данными в скобках, в пассиве: например: the music at the neighbor’s party was very loud and could … (to hear) from another side of the street. - the music at the neighbor’s party was very loud and could be heard from another side of the street. 1. he doesn’t mind driving, but he prefers to … (to drive) by other people. 2. the final decision … (to take/not) until the next meeting directors. 3. the injured woman couldn’t walk and had to … (to carry). 4. that old building is really dangerous. it ought to … (to knock) down before it falls down itself. 5. does he think that less money should … (to spend) on country arms? 6. your luggage may … (to check) by a custom officer when you go through customs. 7. the policeman is looking for the missing girl/ she can’t (to find) anywhere. 8. the new book will certainly … (to translate) into many foreign languages. 9. she told the receptionist he wanted … (to wake) up at 7: 30. 10. if someone kicks the policeman … he (to arrest).

polyakkate polyakkate    1   05.06.2019 22:10    1

Nastya0bendy Nastya0bendy  01.10.2020 20:07
1. He doesn’t mind driving, but he prefers to be driven by other people.
2. The final decision won't be taken until the next meeting directors.
3. The injured woman couldn’t walk and had to be carried.
4. That old building is really dangerous. It ought to be knocked down before it falls down by itself.
5. Does he think that less money should be spent on country arms?
6. Your luggage may be checked by a custom officer when you go through customs.
7. The policeman is looking for the missing girl. She can’t be found anywhere.
8. The new book will certainly be translated into many foreign languages.
9. She told the receptionist she wanted to be woken up at 7:30.
10. If someone kicks the policeman he will be arrested.
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