4. степени сравнения прилагательных. подчеркните правильную форму прилагательного: 1. mike is my (good) friend. (best, goodest, better) 2. nina is (young) than sveta. (youngest, the youngest, younger) 3. this text is (difficult) than that one. (more difficult, difficulter, the difficultest) 4. pete is not (strong) his brother bob. (strong as, stronger, so strong as) 5. местоимения: замените местоимение : 1. ( is not (его) key but ( 2. ( want to visit paris. 3. is this ( book? no, ( is not ( book. 4. are this pen ( no, ( is not ( 6. “much” или “many” there isn’t in the bottle. have you got english books?

katya99972011 katya99972011    1   17.06.2019 22:50    1

alina124561 alina124561  17.06.2019 22:50
The best younger more difficult so strong as this    his  hers them  her      this    my yours    this  mine much many
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