Выполнить упражнение, написав предложения полностью и подчеркнув сказуемое (глагол)
- My friend (play) football when he (be) at university.
- (Be) you at college yesterday? – Yes, I (be).
- We (not|have) lunch together last night.
- Mary (take) the shower before going to bed.
- After breakfast the children (go) to school.
- … you (visit) your parents last week? – No, I …
- Why (be) they late for the class? – They (not/ know) about it.
- The boss (speak) to me in the morning. He (seem) rather angry.

танкистка7 танкистка7    2   17.05.2020 15:10    1

only10up only10up  14.10.2020 21:14

- My friend played football when he was at university.

- Were you at college yesterday? – Yes, I was.

- We did not have lunch together last night.

- Mary takes the shower before going to bed.

- After breakfast the children go to school.

- … you visited your parents last week? – No, I …

- Why are they late for the class? – They did not know about it.

- The boss spoke to me in the morning. He seemed rather angry.

senab senab  14.10.2020 21:14

- My friend played football when he was at university.

- Were you at college yesterday? – Yes, I was.

- We did not have lunch together last night.

- Mary takes the shower before going to bed.

- After breakfast the children go to school.

- … you visited your parents last week? – No, I …

- Why are they late for the class? – They did not know about it.

- The boss spoke to me in the morning. He seemed rather angry.


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