4. Fill in the gaps with the right tenses of the verbs in brackets: (вставте
дієслова в дужках в правильній формі, повторіть матеріал на ст. 157)
She (to finish) the work if you (to help) her.
If I (to meet) your friends, I (to greet) them.
He (to pass) the exams succesfully if he (to study) hard.
Jane (to return) you the book if she (to finish) reading it.
If you (to come) to see me tomorrow, I (to be) very glad.
She (to be) angry, if you (not, to walk) the dog.
If you (to eat) so much, you (to put) on weight.
My parents (to be) angry if I (to fail) the exam.

Darkparadise02 Darkparadise02    3   15.05.2020 19:39    1

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