4. Correct the mistakes in these sentences. 1) I go to the pharmacy for to buy medicine. I go to the pharmacy to
2) Katya went to the library because borrow the books.
Shirin opened the window for get some fresh air.
4) Mahmud went to Dubai to going the sightseeing.
5) Damir is waiting for get a taxi to work.
6) I phoned him to I say goodbye.
7 )Umar turned on the television because to watch the news.

артиик артиик    2   20.05.2021 13:24    1

Aliya205 Aliya205  19.06.2021 13:26

1) I go to the pharmacy to buy medicine. I went to the pharmacy.

2) Katya went to the library because she loves books.

3) Shirin opened the window to breathe fresh air.

4) Mahmoud goes on an excursion to Dubai.

5) Damir is waiting for a taxi to go to work.

6) I called him to say goodbye.

7) Umar turned on the TV to watch the news.


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